During her 20 years of international experience working for Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone, Mrs. Gonzalez Sevilla held various leadership roles in Spain, Netherlands, UK and Germany across Strategy, Consumer, Business and Wholesale functions. Currently she performs the function of Senior Vice President for Commercial Growth B2B Europe at Deutsche Telekom AG. In her role, she has brough the B2B organization in Europe to strong growth figures and positioned B2B as #1 in TRI*M in 9 out of our 10 countries in EU.
Mrs. Gonzalez Sevilla holds a university master’s degree on Telecommunications engineering and an MBA from EOI School in Madrid.
In addition, she is the Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board in Hrvatski Telekom in Croatia and also holds the positions of Member of the Board of Directors of Magyar Telekom Nyrt in Hungary and Member of the Board of Directors of OTE S.A. in Greece.